Therapy based on Water Memory

A New Way of Therapy based on Water Memory-Information: the Quantum Biophysical Approach

Sergio Stagnaro, Simone Caramel


This work firstly introduces some of the priors of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics (QBS), necessary to grasp the meaning and significance of deterministic chaos and quantum behavior in biological systems.

Secondly, some experimental clinical evidences of Water Memory-Information are presented and explained through QBS tools, which are able to state if there is activity improvement of well defined bio- systems under quantum energized water action.

QBS diagnosis allows an effective preventive therapy of pre-metabolic syndromes through quantum – water feedbacks, directly acting on the genetic causes of the most serious potential diseases such as, i.e., cancer, T2DM, brain disorders and CAD.

He that believe in me, as the scripture said,

out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

John 7:38


Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics: priors

“‘Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics’ – QBS – is an extension of classical semeiotics, an original medical science which purports to interpret the body signals for diagnostic purposes (Stagnaro et al. 2004a). The key of this new discipline is the awareness that human bodies are a continuum of biological systems whose dynamics follow the laws of deterministic chaos (Lorenz 1963, Ruelle 1991, Cramer 1994, Stagnaro et al. 1996), which can be measured by means of nonlinear statistical invariants. Furthermore, there is the recent discovery that energy information and communication between DNA and bio-systems are strictly linked with quantum behavior.

He that believe in me, as the scripture said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38

biology, genetics and neuroscience, chaos theory and quantum physics. It is based on the auscultatory percussion, through which, by means of the common stethoscope, it is possible to listen to the messages that the body gives us when appropriately stimulated. This technique is used to induce consistent behaviors – typical of dissipative systems that are far from equilibrium as defined by Prigogine, and comparable to the behavior of plasmas studied by Bohm – in precise and well defined biological systems of the human body, thus giving local qualitative information on the state of health or disease of the subject (even if a disease is developing but not yet evident through usual clinical trials, effective, or even in

QBS was developed in accordance with a multidisciplinary approach that combines chemistry and

chronic phases).

Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics: chaotic aspects

QBS main assumption is that genome affects both parenchyma and microvessels, therefore to understand the physiological or pathological behavior of parenchyma, an indirect analysis through the investigation of microvessels is necessary. Microvessels’ non-linear fluctuations provide important qualitative and quantitative information about microcirculation dynamics under the structural and functional points of view.

Therapy based on Water Memory
Therapy based on Water Memory

Therapy based on Water Memory