AK TOM by Dr. Alexander Kozhemyakin
AK TOM – Portable apparatus EHF and IR therapy with changeable oscillators

AK TOM is the portable EHF-IR therapy apparatus with changeable oscillators. The oscillators (radiators) are connected to the apparatus channels with the help of the flexible cables with sockets.
AK TOM is a new generation of equipment for the effective influence on the body and completely safe. The greatest therapeutic effect is manifested in the solution of the problems causing difficulties in the traditional approach to treatment.
AK TOM is unique device and using modern technology it embodies the idea of oriental medicine.
The concept of EHF-radiation (EHF therapy, EHF Puncture) for treatment combines the construction of Oriental Medicine and modern quantum mechanical models that have been adopted around the world, in particular, constitute the theoretical basis Homotoxicology and contemporary German school of homeopathy. Oriental medicine considers the human body as a combination of physical and energetic start, which corresponds to the basic postulate of quantum mechanics on the dualism of matter.
The basic function of the device is the effect of an electromagnetic field of extremely high frequency (EHF-therapy). Scientists were able to verify that our cells “communicate” in the EHF-range. Organs and cells can be controlled in this resonance frequency range. Diseases, toxins and stress disturb the normal functioning of cells. The cells and organs return back into the “normal” state by external influence in the EHF-range.
The device “AK TOM” has 11 modes of operations

Scientists have established long ago that the material carrier of information in the physical world is electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic spectrum is a kind of language in which the transmission and reception of information between the physical systems, including living organisms exists.
Short-wave therapy device AK TOM reproduces the signals of healthy cells and makes the cells to revert from sick to proper work, tuned in with the external radiation. Low intensity (informational) effect provides strong physiological effect without heating the tissue or structural changes with minimal necessary energy.
Each mode is designed taking into account effects on specific organs and body systems:
1 – “universal” EHF-mode;
2 – mode of “record” for the subsequent BRR®- influence;
3 – stressful conditions*;
4 – illnesses of the throat and larynx*;
5 – illnesses of the cardiovascular system*;
6 – illnesses of respiratory organs*;
7 – illnesses of endocrine system*, illnesses of digestive organs*;
8 – illnesses of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue*;
9 – illnesses of urinogenetals system*;
10 – illnesses of skin and subcutaneous fat*;
11 – operating mode on BAP*;
*- these modes are for use only by specialists or by the appointment of medical specialists.
The presented list does not limit indications for use the apparatus, but each particular case should be preceded by consultation by an attending physician to determine the final diagnosis and exclude individual contraindications. At the difficult diagnosis the initial course of treatment demands obligatory control and/or specialist participation.
CEM-therapy (BRR-therapy) is based on the use of materials with controlled energy structure (CEM – Controlled Energy Material). Emitter invented by Dr. Kozhemyakin, created by special technology is able to “remember” the external EHF radiation and to form an exact likeness of the signals of pathogenic or therapeutic factors, which allows the effects on the body in the mode of the background resonance radiation (BRR).
AK TOM – An Effective Supplement to Traditional Therapies:
When there is a risk of polypharmacy in a patient with several conditions.
For patients with chronic conditions.
When a patient is experiencing complications and side effects from pharmacological treatment.
When traditional treatment methods do not yield effective results.
For patients with drug resistance or intolerance.
When there are contraindications against other treatment methods.
Device AK TOM is universal and can be used in the recovery of various health disorders.
Indications for use AK TOM
Mouth- and throat problem
Heart- and vascular problems
Respiratory organs
Stomach and intestine problems
Arms and legs problems
Sexual organs
Skin problems
Immune defense
Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Autonomic nervous system diseasse
Substance abuse; Diseases of ENT organs
Cardio-vascular system; lung and pleura
Disease of the gastrointestinal tract
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of musculoskeletal system
Gynecological diseases
Pain syndrome is any location; articular pathology
Spine disease; wounds, burns
Allergic diseases accompanied with skin manifestations.