
Technologies developed by Dr. Kozhemyakin

Therapy based on Water Memory
Therapy based on Water Memory

EHF-therapy for AK TOM

Millimeter wave therapy (EHF-therapy) is a new revolutionary method in health care.

The millimeter waves have the same frequencies as the ones with which the cells communicate within our body. Unbalances in these waves are a basic cause for health problems. With the device of AK TOM, which produces millimeter waves, you can establish contact with the frequencies of the body, and thus correct the unbalances, in the organism.

Thanks to the resonance which is created by the meeting with the frequencies of the body, the very low radiation level allows for a fully effective result. The millimeter wave therapy does not cure any illnesses, however it does reinforce the healing forces of the body itself. This healing force of the body is restored by the strengthening of the cell membrane, which is the cell area’s contact to the rest of the human body.

By using the same frequencies and strength, which the cells of the body themselves employ, the treatment has no side-effects. How fast the results actually occur, depends on the art of the problem and the state of the patient. New injuries have a faster healing than old ones, and the younger age groups recovery faster than older age groups.

More Information about Millimeter wave therapy — A modern health treatment for all.

For thirty years, millimeter wave therapy has been researched, and extensively documented, of each of its references, investigations, and findings. Millimeter wave therapy is operating on natural bases, with very effective results and free of side effects. It removes not only symptoms, but restores organs and system structures — a precondition for a lasting result of the treatment.

What are millimeter waves?

Millimeter waves are the language that our cells use for intercommunication. The cell is active and vibrates on a certain frequency. Such vibrations create wave movements. It has been proven that the entire world is permeated with such «mini-small» vibrations, which makes it possible to understand the existence of and the future for the development of the body.

According to quantum mechanical models every object is double-natured, one material and one electromagnetic component, where everything vibrates and every cell is a part of an overlapping context. Millimeter waves (=radio waves) have frequencies between 42.3 and 100 GHz, (gigahertz). It is according to these waves the membranes of our cells vibrate and intercommunicate. Unbalances in these waves create health problems. The millimeter wave instrument generates waves with the same strength as the body´s, about 10 to the power of -10 mw/cm squared, which is a billion times less than the radiation from a cell phone.

How does a millimeter wave therapy function?

It is well known that the body consists of cells, and that each cell acts like a factory which receives nourishment, oxygen, and disposes of waste products. This is done through the membranes of the cells. The membrane charge is 60-90 mV, (millivolt). If the strength of the cell’s charge is above or below that amount, the cell is acting with less capacity. The millimeter wave instrument produces the same frequencies as the membranes of the cells. When the frequency makes contact with the body, a resonance is created which reinforces the vibrations of the cell. In essence the millimeter wave instrument increases the charge of the membranes of the cell. The charge is kept steady with the help of the millimeter wave frequencies.

When these frequencies are changed, the charge is changed and the functions of the cells accordingly. This is the first effect of the influence of the millimeter waves.

A second effect is related to receptors. Every cell has receptors which receive information externally. If the receptors have reduced sensitivity to hormones and signal substances, the cells are ineffectual and less efficient.

A receptor can be more or less active. The millimeter wave instrument activates the receptors so that they become more sensitive and receive information more efficiently.

The third effect of the millimeter wave instrument is improvement of the overall communication between cells. The human body consists of 10 raised to the power of 16 of cells. In order to have such a complicated system function without disturbances, a certain mechanism to synchronize the functions of the body is needed. AK TOM modulates the frequencies of the body within the affected area, and acts as a synchronizing mechanism. In addition it restores the «health rhythm” of the body which was lost during the loss of health. In this way the internal system of “information flow” is protected.

One of the strong effects of the millimeter wave instrument is the dilution of the blood. This is of great importance particularly for elderly people. Millimeter waves are spread throughout the body by extra cellular liquids, skin receptors and energetic meridians, via its resonance, restores the vibrations of the membranes. This improves the functions of the cells and their communications.

Effects of Millimeter Wave Therapy

The method has undergone clinical tests for many years, with proven efficiency. The tests show that «independent of any kind of illness,” the millimeter wave instrument creates a normalizing effect on the parameters of the immune system, increases microcirculation, balances the metabolism of the body, prevent the development of diseases and the transfer of acute diseases to become chronicle, slows down the aging process which in effect prolongs the lifespan of an individual, lowers the risk for oncological diseases, increases the efficiency of medication and reduces their toxicity and side effects, shortens the period of treatment, improves the health status for patients with heart strokes, and speeds up the healing of fractures by two to three times and has an undisputed pain-relieving effect.

As the millimeter wave instrument activates the receptors of the cells, creating sensitivity to the hormones enzymes, this allows the total benefits of cosmetic treatment to naturally take into affect, stimulating the skin, in addition to reducing wrinkles. The skin becomes less moist as we age; however by strengthening the cell membrane and improving blood circulation, natural occurrence of the skin’s moistness, can be restored.

Extensive clinical tests have been performed with the AK TOM Millimeter wave instrument, for more than a decade, at leading Russian hospitals. Just in Russia alone, the clinical efficiency of Millimeter wave therapy has been studied on 20,680 patients, during the years of 1993-2003. In these cases 96.94% showed positive results (recovery — great improvement). The therapeutic effect failed for only 3.06% of the participants. The millimeter wave therapy is recommended for use by the Medical Health Ministry of the Russian Federation and is certified. The methods of treatment are ratified by the same authority. The AK TOM is presently used by medical staff, veterinarians and biologists throughout the world.

IR-therapy for AK TOM

Infrared (IR) radiation is the radiation adjoining a red part of a visible range, which isn’t perceived by our organs of vision, but having ability to heat the lit surfaces. These are electromagnetic beams with a wavelength larger, than at visible red light. IK an ultrasonic head of the device «AK TOM» works in the range of 0,4 — 1,2 microns — a range of thermal influence.

The mechanism of action of infrared radiation.

The absorption of the light quantum (additional energy) leads the molecules of the underlying tissues to an excited state. When using infrared radiation, the additional energy obtained is sufficient to amplify random oscillatory and rotational motions in the electric network around their orbits, so the action is only thermal (chemical reagent for IR radiation is not observed). It is believed that the radiation of thermal energy occurs when the electrons rise above the level of their atoms, but do not completely detach from them.

IR-therapy for AK TOM

Clinical effects of IR-therapy:

Skin vessels extend.
The blood stream accelerates.
The stream of nutrients to the irradiated body part amplifies.
Outflow of products of a metabolism amplifies.
Painful sensitivity goes down.
Function of endocrine glands increases.
Increases metabolism, including fat.
There is a pronounced antispastic action.

Indications for use of IR — radiations:

Local not purulent inflammatory processes in a subacute and chronic stage;
Many dermal diseases (but not purulent), as the drying and regenerating agent;
Burns and frostbite (improves metabolic interstitial processes);
Diseases of a peripheric nervous system (intensifying of neogenesis of the nervous terminations at the miozitakh and neuralgia);
For treatment of contractures (reduce a tonus of muscles);
For acceleration of a resorption of infiltrates, exudates, after injuries of the musculoskeletal device;
Treatment of an obesity, myxedema;
Can be applied in a convalescence stage at tracheites, bronchitis, at not purulent pleurites (improve a circulation in respiratory organs);
For diaphoresis intensifying (when poisoning, including mercury);
Can be used at spastic conditions of a bladder and stomach.
The infra-red radiator can be operated at certain points and zones, preparing, as if «warming», them before the subsequent influence of EHF emitters (in particular, blue — at a diabetes mellitus and the broken carbohydrate metabolism that, as a result, leads to augmentation of production of insulin, its transportation to receptors targets, decrease of need of an organism for insulin, normalization of the production of counterinsulant hormones, etc.).

Here still example of use of IR emitter. At a rhinitis it is possible to warm up a nose, but it is possible to warm up points of compliance to a nose: on SU Jock a nose is the center of a curl on a small pillow of any finger of an arm or a leg. Such approach not only more convenient, but also much more effective. Find points of compliance to tonsils at an angina and to adenoides at their augmentation, to a throat at various LOR-diseases, to ears at otites, too, will not be difficult.

EHF-Puncture for AK TOM

EHF-puncture is impact on an organism the low-intensive radiation of millimetric range through acupuncture points with the medical or preventive purpose. It unites in itself to wealth of experience and traditions of the East to the latest developments of electronics. This method well is suitable for treatment of the majority of the diseases caused by disturbance of processes of a self-regulation of an organism.

EHF-Puncture for AK TOM

EHF-puncture effectively stimulates protective forces, normalizes the immune status, accelerates recovery processes in a human body. It can be combined with other methods of treatment, repeatedly strengthening effect of their use.
For more than twenty-five year period of practical use in clinical medicine the extensive experience set by permissions of the Ministry of Health and protected by patents in many countries is accumulated.

For holding sessions of EHF-punctures by the device Spinor, you should use the auricular adapter.

BRR-therapy for AK TOM

BRR-therapy (background resonance radiation) is a separate branch of the millimeter wave therapy which makes it possible to «record» new frequencies themselves, and transmit the information to the human body.

The detachable crystal, which is used for the BRR-function, consists of a semiconductor crystal, an invention discovered by Russian scientists, without parallel, in the world. The crystal acts as a hard disc in a computer. You can store frequencies information from people, animals, plants, food, medicines or any other item. When the recording stage is complete, remove the crystal from the cord, and the crystal returns the information back, which has been recorded.

BRR-therapy for AK TOM

The recorded frequencies, during the sixty seconds, of the crystal, stores the information for at least five years.

BRR-therapy operates quite similiarly to an electronic homoeopathy, with its unique method of therapy. The crystal adjusts itself automatically to every pathogenic (illness) factor, for example, a virus which has invaded the body, or areas of pain. It registers a type of «illness photo».

The crystal is not concerned with which type of virus or germ is harming the human body. It cannot discern what it is «photographing». Hence it is the duty of human beings to determine the zone which is the most optimal for the crystal. The remainder of the «work» is completed by the crystal itself — it photographs as well as influences the pain spot with the same frequencies as it had initially absorbed. This natural vibration exchanges the characteristics of the disease in the body, and obliterates them. The length of the treatment is dependent on how extensive the illness has progressed.

The healthy cells respond also to the radio waves, however because of their great numbers, this influence is restricted, in comparison to the pathogenically possessed microorganisms, which in effect have spread throughout the human body. For healthy cells, they are just a wholesome stimulus.